Anesthesia Providers, Inc.
Anesthesia Providers, Inc is not a staffing agency. We are a unified group of CRNAs that offer an alternative for independent anesthesia professionals. If lifestyle choices are important to you and you would benefit from flexibility in scheduling, join API today ...more info>>
CRNA Information
Health Care Facilities
If you have a need for professional anesthesia providers, API is a group of highly skilled, professional individuals. We handle the scheduling and billing for you, and you can be confident your staffing needs will be 100% met, 100% of the time. ...more info>>
Health Care Facility Info
Legislative Updates
In our ever-changing industry, API believes it is important to keep current with legislation affecting our profession. When we find documentation on any legislative item we feel is important, we post it here for your convenience. ...more info>>
Legislative Updates
Keep current with the happenings at API. Our periodic newsletters will keep you abreast of all the news and information important or of interest to our group of CRNAs. ...more info>>
Anesthesia Providers Inc, provides services for both the CRNA and health Care Facilties
Providing Services for both the Anesthesia Professional and Health Care Facility
For the Anesthesia Professional, API is all about choices. Enjoy the lifestyle you've always wanted - work on your schedule, and leave the administration to us.

For the health care facility, your anesthesia needs are met through our highly skilled group. Centralized billing and scheduling by API ensures you are always 100% staffed.

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